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    C/CPP Programing Projects

    Client-Server Programming

    Compile and Test the FTA Client and Server Programs You will need to test your programs on two terminals, one terminal for the server and another terminal for the client. The port number and IP address for the client should be specified as command line arguments, as well as the names of the input and output file. If the output file does not exist, your program should create the output file.


    The source code files for this part of the project are udp-time-client.c and udp-time-server.c. These files can be downloaded from the Assessments Overview section or by using the following link: Project Part 1: Source Code Files


    A socket is a communication mechanism and is identified by an integer that is called the socket descriptor. A socket includes a data structure consisting of the following five data items: • Protocol id • The destination host address • The destination port number, if applicable • The local host address • The local port number, if applicable


    Stop-and Wait protocol uses both flow control and error control. Both the sender and the receiver use a sliding window with a size of 1. The sender sends one packet at a time and waits for an acknowledgement before sending the next packet. To detect corrupted packets, we need to add a checksum to each data packet. To prevent duplicate packets, the protocol uses sequence numbers.

    Python Programing Projects


    An array allows you to store a group of items of the same data type together in memory. A variable stores just a single value, and oftentimes can be cumbersome to work with when your program has similar values. Values stored in an array are called elements. Each element has a subscript that makes it unique.


    In this assignment you and your partner (if you are working with one) will create a script that plays a mini version of the card game war against the computer.

    Emerging Technologies

    • R=Resistance (Ohms, or Ω)
    • V=Voltage (Volts)
    • I=Current (Amperes)
    • kΩ = 1000 Ohm


    Create a variable of a most suitable data structure in order to process the data given in the table 1 (make a choice between the variables, list, tuple or dictionary) and justify your choice in the Word report.

    Problem Solving

    Write a function that takes two dictionaries (dic1 and dic2) and return a dictionary where each key is a key that is in both. The value associated with each key in the new dictionary is the sum of all the integers associated with that key in dic1 and dic2.

    SQL/PLSQL Projects

    Database Design & SQL

    Refer to HR schema to answer the questions Include screenshot of your code and output of each questionw2

    Database Design & SQL

    Use SQL and the Henry Books database to complete the following exercises.

    Networking/OS Projects

    Operating Systems

    Create and share folder on the server and assign permission Explain group scope and group type Create a new user and try to access the above folder. Explain why it is successful/unsucessful ?

    Nursing Assignments

    Health Administrative Assistan

    Watch the Ted Talk videos below and choose one that resonates with you. You will write an essay on this topic, relating it to a Course Concept from HUCL1101, a personal experience you have had, and how this information could be applied to your professional practice as a Health Administrative Assistant.

    Mixed Methods Research

    Why is the study being done (i.e., the problem, concern, issue)? What is the purpose of the study or what is/are the question(s) the investigator is trying to answer (e.g., literature review)? What are the central ideas, concepts, or variables (e.g., pain, immobility, grief, nursing work)? Are most of the references recent (less than 5-10 years old)?Yes No

    Qualitative Research

    Why was the study done (i.e., the problem, concern, issue)? What is the purpose of the study or what is/are the question(s) the investigator is trying to answer (e.g., literature review)? What are the central concepts (e.g., pain, grief, nursing work)? Are most of the references recent (less than 5 -10 years old)? Yes No If not, is this a classic/groundbreaking reference or one that has re-emerged in importance (e.g., research relating to vaccine-preventable diseases)? Are experts cited? Yes No Not sure Please note: After reading a few studies on the same subject, you will begin to recognize the names of the experts in that field because these will be the most frequently cited authors.

    Tuberculosis in Canada

    To present an epidemiological summary of active TB cases reported in 2017. Results are discussed in the context of the previous year’s data. Treatment outcomes for cases diagnosed in 2016 are also presented.

    Evidence-Base Decision Making

    Utilizing the information from course material and discussion, as well as additional research complete the assignment as outlined in the description. The final submission is to be completed in appropriate APA format, with all researched material cited in the appropriate APA style. The assignment is to be between 7-10 pages (double spaced) in length (not including title page, reference list or appendices) This is a group project.

    Evidence-Base Decision Making

    Utilizing the information from course material and discussion, as well as additional research complete the assignment as outlined in the description. This is an individual assignment. The final submission is to be completed in appropriate APA format, with all researched material cited in the appropriate APA style. The assignment is to be between 4-8 pages (double spaced) in length (not including title page or appendices)